Vancouver Seeks Balance - The Woodward's District [2010]

The thicket of condo towers and abundant public spaces in Vancouver, British Columbia, make this Canadian city an urban planner’s dream. Over the past two decades, the downtown population has doubled to 80,000 residents. But as the city prepares for the 2010 Winter Olympics, the spotlight is turning to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, which is located in Canada’s poorest zip code and suffers from chronic homelessness, drug abuse, and prostitution. affordable housing advocates fear a new wave of displacement in a city that already has Canada’s highest housing prices.
Case Study of the Vancouver Convention Centre [2010]

In April 2009, the 1.2 million sq. ft. Vancouver Convention Centre opened. Built upon a former brownfield that was the last undeveloped piece of property on the harbor front, it functions as an expansion of Canada Place
San Francisco with 100,000 toothpicks [2010]

Scott Weaver decided to replicate the Golden Gate Bridge with toothpicks and Elmer’s glue
Edmonton diary 1 [2007]

Edmonton July, 2007
Edmonton diary 2 [2007]

Second video clip of Edmonton. Features the sadistic side of Whyte avenue
Re-think [2007]

The thicket of condo towers and abundant public spaces in Vancouver, British Columbia, make this Canadian city an urban planner’s dream. Over the past two decades, the downtown population has doubled to 80,000 residents. But as the city prepares for the 2010 Winter Olympics, the spotlight is turning to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, which is located in Canada’s poorest zip code and suffers from chronic homelessness, drug abuse, and prostitution. affordable housing advocates fear a new wave of displacement in a city that already has Canada’s highest housing prices.
Case Study of the Vancouver Convention Centre [2010]

In April 2009, the 1.2 million sq. ft. Vancouver Convention Centre opened. Built upon a former brownfield that was the last undeveloped piece of property on the harbor front, it functions as an expansion of Canada Place
San Francisco with 100,000 toothpicks [2010]

Scott Weaver decided to replicate the Golden Gate Bridge with toothpicks and Elmer’s glue
Edmonton diary 1 [2007]

Edmonton July, 2007
Edmonton diary 2 [2007]

Second video clip of Edmonton. Features the sadistic side of Whyte avenue
Re-think [2007]

Surveying Toronto's waterfront condition
LEAF Arcticle for Backyard Tree Planting
LEAF Arcticle for Backyard Tree Planting
LEAF got its start in 1996, when several hundred tree seedlings were distributed to South Riverdale residents
This initiative grew and eventually became our subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program. Within 2 years we offered home delivery and planting services within the City of Toronto.